Indoor hurling training action
Hurling and Camogie Newsletter 26 January 2017
It is the N Antrim U10 league playoff round this Saturday 28th January. Our two teams are playing in two different locations. Teamers have been sent out to players with details of which location to go to. If you haven’t yet responded to the Teamer notification, please do so one way or the other. Lifts are available. Just contact the coaches. Details of the games are below
U10: N Antrim League Playoffs. Both groups start at 10am and are scheduled to finish at 1pm. Please be at your venue for 9.30am
Div 1: Cross & Passion College, Moyle Road Ballycastle,
Div 6: St. Patrick’s College, Broughshane Road,Ballymena, BT43 7DZ
P3/4 Hurling/Camogie Go Games : The Glen Centre, 41 Suffolk Road, Belfast 10am
P1/2 Hurling /Camogie Go Games : The Glen Centre, 41 Suffolk Road, Belfast 12 noon
Those attending Go Games should be at the venue 15 minutes before throw in time
The North Antrim Indoor League Finals will be in the Seven Towers Leisure Centre, Ballymena on Sunday 29th January, should our team/s reach the finals.
P1 – P4: Sun 29th Jan, 12.00pm- 1:15 PM, Stranmillis College
P1 – P7 Hurling and Camogie: Mon 30th January 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM Harlequins outdoors
U12: hurling training has recommenced on Wednesdays. Next weeks time and venue TBC
U14: hurling training has recommenced on Wednesdays. Next weeks time and venue TBC
This weekend, the kings of Irish hurling, Tipperary, the current All Ireland Hurling Champions are coming to West Belfast for a special weekend of events to celebrate the life of Father Alex Reid and showcase Ireland’s ancient games to locals and visitors alike.
On Saturday 28th at 2pm Tipperary will be training at Woodlands. Anyone is welcome to go along and watch them train. There is also a meet and greet session planned. So bring along your hurl for some autographs
On Sunday 29th at 12.20 Antrim will play Tipperary at Corrigan Park
More details at http://antrim.gaa.ie/news/a-festival-of-hurling