Brid Óg Newsletter

The P3/P4 team at Twinbrook on 6th August 2016
P1 – P4: Sundays from 12 noon to 1:15pm at Harlequins Commencing Sunday 14th of August. (free)
P3 – P6 : Mondays from 7 pm to 8 pm at Musgrave Park Commencing Monday 15th of August(free)
P5-U12: Thursdays, 7-8pm at Woodlands. Can you bring £2 each to cover the cost of the pitch. Thanks
There will be a joint Bríd Óg North and Bríd Óg South session for the U12s on Saturday 13th Aug, 2-3 at the Cricky Pitch (tbc). Again can you bring £2 each to cover the cost of the pitch
Under 12: Bríd Óg v St Galls on Monday 15th August at Musgrave Park. Please be on the pitch at 6:10pm sharp. Throw in will be at 6:30pm.
Under 14 : Gerard will be in touch with the squad Re: training and fixtures
P1/2, P3/4 and P5/6: The next Hurling Go Games will be on Saturday 20th August. Venues and times will be notified as soon as they are available