More photos to follow from an amazing night on Saturday at our 20th Anniversary celebration gala at the Titanic Centre.
A huge thank you is due to all of those who helped make the night happen: from the brilliantly cool Mark Sidebottom as host, our three esteemed Presidents as guests – John Horan, Kathleen Woods and Marie Hickey – to all of our generous sponsors, the ever-patient staff at the Titanic, The James Peake Experience, Conor Moore, Patrick Coyle for his design of the tickets and posters…and, of course, Frank Cassidy and the organising sub-committee of Marc Murphy, Patricia Lundy, Martin McCarney, Helen Graham, Claire Finnegan, Dermot Dowling and Conall Cahill for their incredibly hard work these past weeks.
Last – but most certainly not least – a massive thanks to every one of you who attended and made the night such a special one.
Here’s to the next twenty years!!