1. Name? Ronan McGrady
2. Age? 25
3. Playing position/role in club? 14
4. Favourite film? The Guardian
5. Favourite song? Kiss – Prince
6. Favourite food/meal? Crab on toast, pre match meal favourite
7. Favourite holiday destination? Anywhere with snow, hard to look past Val Thorens for a bit of apres ski or Revelstoke, British Columbia
8. Favourite pitch to play on? Musgrave Park (no place like home)
9. Favourite club memory? A certain house party after the championship win at a well knows stranmillis location, 60+ people to the early hours celebrating..
10. Worst club memory? Losing to Rostrevor in the ulster club last year. I missed enough to win that game twice over..
11. Unsung club hero? Phil Convery – works extremely hard as club secretary.
12. Best player played with? The Red Jesus or Enda Clarke.
Shout out to 16 year old Sean Mckernan and Ben Leonard, they were serious ballers at that age if they haven’t already told you..
13. Best match you were involved in? The battle of Rasharkin 2018..
14. Favourite quote? “Don’t have unprotected football” Eunan Conway explaining the finer points of playing full back to Ryan Daly.
15. Best advice ever received? Make sure you’re having fun.
16. What other club do you like to see do well other than St Brigid’s? Ruairi Og, Cushendall
17. Favourite player growing up? Trevor Giles, cut the sleeves of a Meath jersey just to copy him.
18. Best trainer on the team? Finn McKernan – no matter how big he went the night before was still there throwing up like mad during the warm up.
19. Worst trainer on the team? Jack Dowling loves a good fake injury.
20. Up and coming player to watch? Some seriously talented young players in the club. Big fan of Marcus Lynch. Nice footballer
21. Favourite thing about the GAA? Friendship and memories.
22. Where would you like to see St Brigid’s in ten years time? Hoping that the amount of young people we have playing at the moment continues into the senior grades.