1. Name? Sean McKernan
2. Age? 22
3. Playing position/role in club? Finns brother
4. Favourite film? Wreck It Ralph
5. Favourite song? Glory- Dermot Kennedy
6. Favourite food/meal? Serious man for a large 99 with raspberry sauce
7. Favourite holiday destination? San Francesco or Vale de Lobo, both for different reasons
8. Favourite pitch to play on? Casement, needs redeveloped to allow younger Gaels the opportunity to enjoy playing in a modern county ground
9. Favourite club memory? That time Ronan McGrady passed the ball
10. Worst club memory? Any final lost, too many to pick one
11. Unsung club hero? Frank McGurk, Eunan Conway and anyone within the club who gives their time unconditionally and without seeking thanks, there are far too many to name them all.
12. Best player played with? Fearghal Leyden
13. Best match you were involved in? Winning an Ulster Title at Schools level as a 5th year.
14. Favourite quote? ‘Insert st brigids player as suitable, you’re just a big South Belfast Pansy boy’ or ‘Sean you’re the biggest waste of talent I’ve ever seen’ both Eunan Conway
15. Best advice ever received? When someone says no, you’re in the same position as if you’d never asked the question, so what is to be gained by remaining silent. At least with a no you aren’t left wondering.
16. What other club do you like to see do well other than St Brigid’s? Wouldn’t be particularly keen on other clubs, but always like to see The Bot doing well
17. Favourite player growing up? Sean Cavanagh
18. Best trainer on the team? Rory Finnegan, wouldn’t let living in Oz get in the way of the biddies. Home training for the summer, home for the 20th Anniversary dinner, home when the biddies need him. Total commitment, total football, total legend.
19. Worst trainer on the team? Conor ‘sore toe’ Taylor, James ‘I don’t do warm ups, did you not see my goal in the qualifiers’ Smith, Pete ‘sorry lads, love island is on’ Webb, that list could go on
20. Up and coming player to watch? James Blaney (clue’s in the surname)
21. Favourite thing about the GAA? The community ethos, the sense of helping a younger generation flourish and enjoyment of playing with the boys you grew up with
22. Where would you like to see St Brigid’s in ten years time? Challenging for a senior title, maintaining and expanding its flourishing junior section and promoting Gaelic Games for the benefit of all in South Belfast