Brid Óg Newsletter
P1-2 : Fun Sunday 12 noon – 1.15pm at Harlequins. Please note that this Sunday 26th June, will be the last session before the summer break.
P2-P5 : Monday 6.30pm -7.30pm at Musgrave Park . Please note that this Monday 27th June, will be the last session before the summer break.
P5-U12: Thursday 7-8pm at Woodlands.
Can you please bring £2 to help cover the cost of hiring the pitch. Thank you
Cúl Camps
Hurling and Camogie will be a fundamental part of this year’s three St Brigid’s camps which be held on the following dates :-
Weeks commencing 4th July 2016, 8th August 2016 and 15th August 2016 all at Harlequins. See Cúl Camps on website for booking details.

Camogie at Lá na gClubanna 2016
Saturday, 25th June
U12 – All-County League v Rossa at Rossa Park. Throw-in 11am. Meet there at 10.40am.
Note the much earlier start time so people can go to the Antrim qualifier or Christy Ring final
Monday, 27th June
U12 – S Antrim league v St Enda’s at Musgrave Park. Throw-in 6.30pm. Meet there at 6.15pm
Saturday 2nd July
P1-P6 Go Games – Times and venues TBC . These will be the final South Antrim Go Games in July. SA Go Games will recommence in August.
Gerard will be in touch with the squad about U14 training and matches.
Thanks to Ciaran Grant