To ensure the efficient and safe use of the pitches at Musgrave Park and other Park users please follow the guidelines below:-


Access to the club car-park, changing room and toilets is via the main gate off Stockmans Lane immediately before filling station. There is no other vehicular access for pitch users.

Please drive slowly on arriving and leaving via this access as children will be crossing this road to go onto the pitch.

Stockmans Lane is an urban clearway and it is illegal to stop on the carriageway to drop children off.

On exiting the site onto Stockmans Lane all drivers must turn left – the PSNI will monitor and enforce this exit plan in coming weeks.


Children should not be left in the park unless a mentor is there to meet them. Musgrave is still an inner city public park and as such still harbours the risks and dangers associated with any open public space.

Equally Mentors at the end of a game must wait in the car-park with children requiring pick up until parents or guardians arrive.


All warm ups and play must be inside the fence line as directed by the mentor to avoid disturbance of other park users.

Entry onto the pitch must be via one of the gates – clambering over the fence with kit and hurls can only lead to someone getting hurt.

Children are encouraged to take water on board before during and after matches but are asked to ensure they take all associated litter home or put it in one of the many litter bins provided.

To reserve the pitch contact Paul Campbell (Secretary) on 07749090659 or for details. Reservations made through the Secretary is the only club approved means of using the facilities.

By Paul Gormley Sun 5th Oct