We’ve Won A New Scoreboard For Musgrave!

You might not think that one photograph can do a lot, but Ronan McGrady submitted the above photo to Eirgrid and we have won a Score Board!

Of course we have accepted it and we will put more information out as soon as we have it.

Thank you Ronan! and the piece below will potentially go into them for publishing:

“Coincidently we were having a conversation yesterday within the Club as to the fact that we needed to erect a Scoreboard at Musgrave.

We had heard about Eirgrid and it’s great competition and were going to apply but hadn’t realised that Ronan, Senior player and a vital cog in the team had taken the initiative to enter the Competition.

Having seen the photograph, it for us epitomises the Teamwork and camaraderie which our Senior Team have developed as they have grown up together and won the Intermediate Championship. Of course, their synergy and enthusiasm is now filtering through the teams and codes and is becoming infectious, so much so that our Ladies team won their Intermediate Championship this year.

These were great days for the Club and to see the Team Mates embracing each other in their ‘moment in time’ is great.

We, as a Club, are only 20 years old and came about by Country people coming to Belfast and wanting to create a little bit of their own rural Club in a city. We always knew that we would be a second generation Club and our children are now beginning to play Minor and Senior Football and are taking on the mantle of growing St Brigid’s.

As we all know, there is always great debate along the line as to what the score is and by winning this Competition we will now be able to settle some of those debates! That of course may reduce the scope for banter and craic but at least we will know who is winning!

We may now even think of getting a second Score Board to take count of all the wides!

We are extremely appreciative to Eirgrid and we look forward to the Score Board being part of our newly acquired Pitches and Changing Rooms.”

By ccahill Wed 3rd Oct